Building Your Online Presence with Commercial Social Media Tips for Beauticians

access_time 2024-08-04T06:32:38.614Z face Dr. Jignesh Virani
Building Your Online Presence with Commercial Social Media Tips for Beauticians 4th August 2024 Introduction Social media is now a vital tool for beauticians in the modern digital age to establish their online presence and attract more customers. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a novice t...

Different Types of Chemical Peels: Which One Is Right for You?

access_time 1719606600000 face Dr. Jignesh Virani
Different Types of Chemical Peels: Which One Is Right for You? 29th June 2024 Chemical peels are a common aesthetic procedure used to improve skin appearance. The outer layers of skin are exfoliated and eventually peel off when a chemical solution is applied, exposing skin that is smoother, clearer,...